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Your secure, online tax-deductible donation to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) helps fund lifesaving research and provides information and support to patients throughout their cancer journey.

Use the search below to find a team or participant.

Name Team Eventsort ascending
Joel Kaufman Supporting LLS and honoring Sheila, Skylar, Team Krigsman, and loved ones WALT DISNEY WORLD Marathon Weekend
Sam Womble WALT DISNEY WORLD Marathon Weekend
Philip Powers TNT Caballeros WALT DISNEY WORLD Marathon Weekend
Mary Grgas Team ChiLD WALT DISNEY WORLD Marathon Weekend
Jeff Tubbs Avengers WALT DISNEY WORLD Marathon Weekend
Stephany McNew WALT DISNEY WORLD Marathon Weekend
Kim Yancey Jenny Booyah and the Peachy Tribe WALT DISNEY WORLD Marathon Weekend
Jolene Bolton WALT DISNEY WORLD Marathon Weekend
Michael Freker POP'S Warriors WALT DISNEY WORLD Marathon Weekend
lindsay keathley Paysafe WALT DISNEY WORLD Marathon Weekend