We need your help…and your creativity! To celebrate your hard work at this year’s Lavaman Triathlon, we want you to share every moment of your experience – from pre-race training, traveling to the Big Island and the lead-up to race day!
Here is how it works:
Step 1:
Download the Cinebody app from the iTunes Store
Step 2:
Sign up with your email or Facebook
Step 3:
On the app’s welcome screen, tap the three bars in the lower left corner
Step 4:
In the top blue bar, enter the following project code: lava
Step 5:
When prompted, enable access to your camera and microphone (Make sure your screen rotation lock is disabled)
Step 6:
Start filming! The app has a built-in shot list that you can scroll through, which will guide you on the exact shots we’d like you to capture.
Don’t have an iPhone?
No problem! You can still film on your Android device to tell your story and manually upload your footage from your desktop. To do this, go to www.pro.cinebody.com, sign up with your email or Facebook, enter the project code where it says “Join via code” and select the blue cloud icon to upload your clips.